HayeSeeMemories.com: gallery
© Deb. Hayes Zimmerman
Buffalo- Bison (15)
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I have grown up all my life with buffalo. They are massive, amazingly adapted and generally pretty patient (selfie shots may be the exception). I am horrified that we humans almost wiped them off the earth and ever so grateful that a few folks back in the day saved them for us to watch and enjoy. Nothing is as joyous as a "cinnamon" or baby bison in the spring nor as mind-blowing as a big bull covered in frost at -50 degrees below zero. Hopefully my photos capture some of the awe that I have for these animals.
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I have grown up all my life with buffalo. They are massive, amazingly adapted and generally pretty patient (selfie shots may be the exception). I am horrified that we humans almost wiped them off the earth and ever so grateful that a few folks back in the day saved them for us to watch and enjoy. Nothing is as joyous as a "cinnamon" or baby bison in the spring nor as mind-blowing as a big bull covered in frost at -50 degrees below zero. Hopefully my photos capture some of the awe that I have for these animals.
Burrowing owls. (25)
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OK- I am addicted to watching and photographing these adorable little birds. I find them in Prairie Dog Towns in Western SD. They are known to be curious and their postures are so easy to see as "human like" (probably just me anthropomorphizing again). I have spent many hours during the short 2 week period in the summer when they emerge from the nest, have thousands of photos and I will be there again next year. The names of the photos have be earned/assigned by customers of my cards over the years.
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OK- I am addicted to watching and photographing these adorable little birds. I find them in Prairie Dog Towns in Western SD. They are known to be curious and their postures are so easy to see as "human like" (probably just me anthropomorphizing again). I have spent many hours during the short 2 week period in the summer when they emerge from the nest, have thousands of photos and I will be there again next year. The names of the photos have be earned/assigned by customers of my cards over the years.
Mountain Goats (8)
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Mountain Goats exist in the wild here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I have found, after photographing them for a few years that this is an animal that SMILES. OK well that is anthropomorphism I am sure, but at I process my photos that look makes me smile.
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Mountain Goats exist in the wild here in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I have found, after photographing them for a few years that this is an animal that SMILES. OK well that is anthropomorphism I am sure, but at I process my photos that look makes me smile.
© Deb. Hayes Zimmerman